The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

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The Commercial Appeali

Memphis, Tennessee

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SF ifc -4 THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL PAGES 13 TO 22 MEMPHIS TENN FRIDAY MORNING APRIL 22 1932 Llintl 1EMTEI ilSUll HISSION WIFE RUSHES TO SIDEW SCALES AND CLEARED OF Attempting to Renew Con tact With Kidnapers 'My PidCfl Is Here" Says Mrs Stout et Hospital Stafs Admits Failure to Malta Casa Against Texans PLANE AGAIN SEEN HOPES FOR RECOVERY DRIVE OPENS ON MONDAY POLICE OPEN NEW SIFT Aintiip RapoHsd Flying Low Ovar Martha's Yinayard Praachar Paisas Through Washington for Now York Moating Maintaining Costelau Vigil Wifa Who Shot Husband at Ha Thraatanad Har Tumi to Mata Aftar Ralaaia From JaR Collaga Mutt Obtain $135000 to Continue Tho Salts School for Woman's Army Moots Good Response Ttttimony of Sestet' Mother Tume Tide in Favor of Detente Gerber Sayt in Moving for Directed Verdict BT WARREN HALL TW OiMiirtil Apssal-CMaaae Titkuas Lmm4 Wlrs NEW YORK April 31c-Hadlng a motorcade of four auto mobiles Charles A Lindbarsh waa reported as speeding to a scent randesvoua soma when In Now England today in an effort to nsumo eontact with ths kidnapers of his son Tns flier was Identified by Patrolman Baker of Milford Conn whan shortly before midnight Wednesday the automobiles all bearing New Jersey license plates halted before a coffee shop In the Connecticut town According to the patrolman Lindbergh slighted from ono of the ears ui company with a man resembling Col Norman lehwankopf of the New Jersey slate police and want Into I ha shop Wants to Ba Alone "1 went to their table and said Good evening Colonel Lindbergh' Patrolman Baker declared la report to his superiors "lie seemed surprised but returned the salutation than sakad kirn whether the Milford police could bo of any as sis t-ance to him Bo ane wared: 'No thanks-we'd rather bo let alone Lindbergh and hia companion Ml the shop a few nunutea later and ro-entered their car and the four machines then aped northward toward New Xisven tne patrolman added Occupants of the other auto mobile kept their facea averted and ha had no opportunity to determine who they were patrolman Baker declared But In a quick glance at the fore moat machine he obarrved a license plate which ha thought boro the numeral! "Z7Z" or "2 MO" The numerate on the plates of Lindbergh's taro automobiles are L-2-8to and L-29-8W Whether any of the persons In the escorting care were members of the New Jersey state poliae and whether they took with them two sub-ms chine guns which had been left at the Newark airport for Lindbergh to pick up earlier Wednesday night "Ha la my husband and my placa ia at his Bo exclaimed Mrs Harry Stout ST and compallingly attractive yesterday afternoon as she reached ths Methodist Hospital where with tho wounds from two bultete she bad fired into hte body-day critically injured LaU last night with Stout uneue dope from repeated "shots" of pain easing drugs she remained faithfully at his bedside Thursday Stout returned to thoir hom*o at SOM Vinton Avenue In drunken rags hs threatened to kill Mrs Stout her 12-ysar-old half-brother Maury Wads Jr and her aunt Mtea Kitty Wad Fired Twlos His attacks wars stopped when she obtained a pistol from a dresser drawer and fired two bultete Into hte stomach I shot him becauae had and in defense of my she said alm- Pl(uterday afternoon Mra Stout waa rsleasad from police headquarter! on bond of 12000 She had been charged with shooting with Intent to kill Twenty minutea after aha waa freed Mra Stout waa at the hospital Today aha will ba arraigned la city court Stout Is In a serious condition Doctors fear that tho -shots may causa partial paralysis of hia lege He wee not allowed to see anyone except hte wlfo last night "I am going to stay with my husband" said Mrs Stout "Wo era both sorry thst this happened but ws are not going to lot it break up our hom*o Henry la always good to me qrhen ho is not drinking The doctora tell me that ha la going to get well and that is a lot to bo thankful for" Only hte wife waa admitted to hte room last night Mrs Stout had told how har husband had coma hom*o Thursday after a day spent drinking In a downtown hotel He had struck her felling her to tho floor: then had threatened tho Ufo of her aunt and brother Even after ha had been wounded 27 years old end a largo man almost uncontrolable Stout hsd been out of work for more than a year They have bn married two years Ho waa formsrly lumber inspector The Stout hom*o a small bungalow freshly painted white reflects prosperity and happiness rather than domestic tragedy Shining cleanliness marks the modestly furnished Interior and flower beds and a well kept lawn tell of efforts to make tho residence a real home Impetus will given the South western campaign today when 900 woman mast at Nssly Hall at pm to rocalva detailed sales Instructions from Sidney Farnsworth colonel of ths women's army Nineteen divisions composed of prominent club women and church workers win throw their support to the solicitation which apena Monday Organise ttoa Completed Selection of the personnel of the women's larmy together with the previously organised senior and junior advenes gifts committees completes tho organisation In tha $135-000 drive for tbs continuation of Southwestern Mr Farnsworth stated last night that tha response to ths call for workers was moat gratifying to the campaign officials "I knew thst tha women of Mem- Shis were Interested in Southwestern ut I was surprised to sea how readily they answered the call for workers and pledged themselves for a definite number of hours' work every day" Mr Farnsworth said Tha following captains are asked to get in touch with their workers and have all solicitors present at ths meeting this afternoon: Mra Cole Early Mrs Georgs Mshsn Jr Mrs Kenneth Orgill Mra- David Fentress Mrs A Martin Mrs A Mason Jr Mra Hsrdwig Posert Mrs Buckner Potts Mrs Dan Printup Mrs Caffey Robertson Mrs Percy Gslbreath Mrs Elsie Donelaon McKellar Mrs Slaughter Mrs Harry Anderson Mrs Thomas Briggs Mrs Busteed Mrs Dabney Crump Mrs Nssly Grant and Mrs Uoyd Calhoun Ths sales schools for workers In ths men's army under Col Joe Brennan havs proved so popular and helpful that a special meeting was held in the offices of the Memphis Power A Light Company yesterday morning for those salesmen who could not attend the night meetings at the college Approximately 100 solicitors havs taken this course In salesmanship offered by ths campaign officials A naw team entered the field yesterday with the organisation of the members of ths Evergreen Improvement Club under tha leadership of John Calella captain The following salesmen win support Mr Calella: Lee Broadway A Whitten Paul Waggoner Roseoe Clark Hooker and Sturgis Prospect lists and cards era being prepared at ths campaign headquar- Merely because hs celebrated hte Hth birthday last Sunday at bis horns In Brownsville in ths midst of friends and aongrstulaUons from all parts of ths stats daunt William Moors Confederate veteran and planter who refuse to retire Ho Is as Intensely Interested In life as a man 80 years hte junior Ho rises at ths rrark of day and reads hte Commercial Appeal Ha ean remember when ho had chicken pos and when- hte mother bought her fist sewing machine He smokes cigars and cigarettes no old man's pipe for him and ho likes hte toddles too Two years ago ho celebrated hte golden anniversary with his wife Mrs Eva Mann Moore who ia 75 either Ho keeps In closer touch with politics than any of his chUdran and he was once collector of Internal revenue He likes automobiles and isn't afraid of airplanes Ho would go up In ono In a minute too but hte wifa won't let him A Tar Heel by birth ha haa lived in Brownsville since the and of tho Civfo War and Is tho father of three children ond grandfather of two Two of hte daughters live In Memphis Mrs Louis Nelson and Mrs XL Neblett Tho third ono Mra XL Scales Uvea In Waco Texas William Neblett of Memphis sad Frances Scales of Waco art the grandchildren Mrs Nelson and Mrs Neblett returned from Brownsville last week after attending their father's birthday celebration there and reported fey Oondmaa and separation from hte wife and two mall children Arnold maintained absolute silence He had no a word for reporters who asked about the robbery However ha waa anything but surly never gave us a bit of trouble Wa didn't know ba was hers Ils was a good prisoner" Virgil Rawlings jail custodian said a bit of trouble since hs lisa been here" was ths comment of Em-matt Armour jailer Sines Arnold's arrest John Cher-rls also Indicted for tho Union Planters robbery was killed in a war between Texas gangs Dell McCabe ought for months as ono of ths five bank robbers met death In a battle with detectives and Bhilo Scrivener has been indicted for murder and bank robbery In Texas Authorities would not allow him to be brought to years old But that didn't bother him that he was in ths best of health Ralph Arnold (No 1) cleared of the Union Planters Main Street Bank robbery yesterday had already spent almost as long in tha Shelby County Jail as the men convicted of the Bar-retvllle murder will spend at the Nashville penitentiary Arnold was placed in the county Jail last June 20 when ha remained until the state found that then was no case against 306 days laur Hs is pictured above (No 1) with his baby In hte Imp Mrs Arnold waa seated behind her husband Herbert Scales (No 2 in the picture) was acquitted with Arnold He is a former Dallas clubman and social leader Preston Copeland Chester Pryor Johnson and John Asher con victed of the Barretville bank robbery in which James McFerrin died will be eligible for parole leu than a year after they were sentenced Social Worker Favors Camp For All Chronic Dependents were questions which could ho only to conjecture A dispatch from Nswport narrated that an airplane resembling that flows by Lindbergh to Martha's Vineyard two weeks agon had been seen at :30 pm flying low toward Capo Cod Throughout hte long ImpriaonmentMemphla for ths Union Planters job Dr Charles Blaisdell Paints Sombre Picture of Needs of Jobless in Future Sees Too Heavy Burden on Taxpayers With the acquittal of Herbert Seales Dsllss seelsl leader and Ralph Arnold Dallas bootlegger of complicity ta tha Union Ranters Main Street Branch Bank robbery May 4 last yoeterday In Judgo Wallace's court Memphis police opened anew thsir Investigations of tha $30000 robbery The stats admltiad that It had failed to make a ease and moved for a directed verdict after Seales and Arnold presented Irrefutable evldanea sustaining thsir alibis of being ta Dsllss at tha time of tho robbery Darla Ordrrs New SIR "Ws will rsopsn ths Investigation and make other arrests If possible" Commissioner Davis said a short time after Scales and Arnold had been freed A few minutes earlier Griffin head of police detectives had not been at all aura of police plana "This office and General McLain era In sntlro accord I will talk It over with him before I have anything to say'1 Inspector Griffin said Ths testimony and manner of Mrs Margaret Scales mother of tha Dallas social political and financial figure who was accused of taking part In tha robbery were given a largo share of tha credit for the action of the state In recommending a not guilty verdict by Will Gerber assistant attorney general as hs addressed Judge Wallses In tha dramatically sudden conclusion of tha trial Mother Aided Defease 'I woe especially Impressed with tha testimony of Sc alts' mother" General Gerber said I believe that tha witnesses for tha stats are convinced of the truth of their testimony But the punishment for bank robbery ta Tennessee Is 20 to 40 years My conscience would not be clear to proceed with the case "I recommend a verdict of not guilty" General Gerber had reviewed tha tate'a evldanea from two witnesses who said that they saw Scale taking part In ths robbery one who aid that Scales purchased ths getaway car and on who said aha saw Arnold taking part In the robbery "I am frank to say that tha alibi rises a doubt in my mind as to the guilt of these defendants Ths proof shows thst on ths fourth of May Scales was In ths bank (at Dallas) Tha witnesses to thst fact cannot bo contradicted at this tlms" Judga Wallses and tbs jurors expressed thsir agreement with the action of General Gerber which followed Immediately after the noon recess during which he had discussed the case with Attorney General McLain who agreed that tha recora-mandatkm should ba made Wallses Approves Verdict "I am Judge Wallace said "Th identification was weak and dangerous it has bees worrying me" "It is the right we would have dons It anyway" juror after juror told Scales and Arnold as they filed from the courtroom moat courageous set havs heard In an American courtroom" waa the comment on General Gerber's conduct of tha csss from Maury Hughes Dallas attorney whs with flam Bates Memphis attorney presented ths evidence which freed Scales mors prosecutors would havs tha courage to do what has been dons In this case Juries would lean more to the atata'a aids In esses ta which a conviction is asked" Charles Bryan attorney for Arnold said Though tho faces of Arnold and Scales were lighted with pleasure they declined to make statements "I was Impressed with the fair and impartial method of tha trial" Scale aid later Informally Wltnaaaea who supported Beales" story of being on a fishing trip on the week-end before the Monday on which ths bank waa robbed and of being In the First National Bank at Dallas at 10 am on the morning tha Memphis hank waa robbed mt 9:15 occupied ths morning session of tha trial and completed ths csss far ths defense Of most vatu to Scales was th testimony of Ewing Hail band leader and theater production manager who waa Scales' companion on tho fishing trip His story of th fishing trip matched thst of Scales 1a Central High Students Will Have Best Scholars Honored WASHINGTON April Jl-Wearing non -clerical garb and traveling as Perns XL Dobson-Praco*ck on of tho three Norfolk Intermediaries who believe that the in contact with tho Lindbergf A plan to put all tho "chronically dependant Individuate and families'' of Memphis in a huge camp outside the city was suggested to tho Coun baby kidnapers passed through herojeu 0f Social Agencies at its April plans Neighbors described ths Stoats as ten 72 Madison when ters 72 Madison when a com of folks" but mentioned that Mr girls is working day and night to Group to Obtain Chapter of National Honor Society After Petitioning for Organization Charter Members Are Selected late' today in a commercial bound for Now York may know mure tonight about tho outlook for restoration of the he said "Meanwhile my first task will be to loao myself ia Now York" Stout occasionally cams horns drunk and made a disturbance obtain correct addresses and Information for the salesmen girls out on long hikes In Europe under the supervision of adult volunteers out for the asms training we give In camps time is here for social workers to put the emphasis on service They must study Individuals and learn how to guide Individuals to rehabilitation They must find new ways of making a living for tho Individual according to hia capabilities Is not likely to bo any mass finding of jobs In new industries for tho unemployed" On the other hnd Dr Blaisdell said that despite the tax reduction and eliminatioip of many ateto sup- meet Inf at Hotel Peabody yesterday by ths Rev Charles Blaisdell rector of Calvary Episcopal Church Dr BlatadcU painted a somber picture of tho coming years from ths social viewpoint declaring that for years to come tho trained social worker must aspect larger demands on bis services to bo met with decidedly smaller supplies of money Tax-supported playgrounds and swimming pools summer camps for boys and girls whose parents can't i min (lira mu sin BELIEF HE FUDDED HIE FIGHT DEEOHDS Football baseball a big cheerl Last week charter members tem-from tha bleachers and a yodelled 'porarily named Ben Brown president admonition in there boy and and Harriett Sweehey secretary UNIIEHSITT XU'S routiEi They will apply for a charter for their Memphie group Immediately A committee will be appointed to draft a constitution afford to pay tho full coat and other Parted of tax for straight usa monies charity la certain to come Hia plan for placing the chronic dependents in a camp ha amid would be only temporary "It would make social welfare Institutions regarded as necessaries today may concelva' bly disappear he said "We have developed social methods on tho basis of on inflated pros Advantages of Valley Would Requirements Only scholars in the upper third of Hearing Will Be Resumed in Several Weeks Be Set Forth at Fair classes In schools supported by public funds are eligible for membership ths churches have dons the ths burden of their cars cheaper and Seek to Promote Understanding Among Nations would enable them to live clean and healthy lives and would present the opportunity for character Many of tho chronic dependents he said would bo glad to go to such a camp Tho council took no notion on tho proposal but Dr Louis Levy president aaid he favored removing chronic dependents from ths city "As a single-taxer prefer to see thorn go hack to tho land" ho said same and many things wo have prised so highly wo may discover to bo not at all eaaential" Indeed Dr Blaisdell said bo could even foresee In tho face of the wide spread and determined drive for tax-reduction a time when a small tuition fee might bo charged at ths public high schools "But why worry too much ever the propectsr' ho asked camps do disappear as they have in Europe seen hundreds of boys and fight But who win raise the public shout for the solitary scholar? Well hero's ons Central High School and Central High School students who have labored for months for ths establishment at Central of a branch of the National Honor Society accolade of public school good scholarship Ths students' labors are shout to be realized And moat of the credit goes to ono boy Starts Move Ben Brown Isn't so bad at the books himself As a matter of fact he's good But no grind" by a long shot Look at the picture Last fall 1931 Ben heard a friend peak of the National Honor Society and immediately became interested He collected literature spoke to teachers students and suggested to Principal Jester that Central form a chapter Largely through his efforts the faculty resolved in De camber before they disbanded for the Christmas recess to follow his aug gestlon A council was appointed by the faculty and principal to recommend students names for ths faculty's ratification Miss Helen Thorbum Is chairman with Miss Martha Jones Mias Virginia Marino Miss Imelda Stanton and John Simpson After looking over the entire student roster they recommended and ratified April 13 the name of 42 students for charter membership DR Fill! OFEBITOD DIDCDS HIES Branches are spread over the United States Memphis never hsd one Character leadership and service are required by the society In its scholars Those are ths scholars Central is determined to cheer for That's what's wanted for the upper and hero are the chosen names: Maellen Steub Edwin Todd Jane Bounds Virginia Hoehall Ben Brown Erin Gary Douglass Johnson Frad Middleton Dorothy Suggs Florence Coley Billy Crockett Angelits Fernand Mildred Grooms Adnla Bigelow Sue Cooney Bonita Farmer Helen Ford Robert Harblson James Henderson Elisha Haskevitch Estelle Turner Carnot McDonald Louise Moeller Winfield Qualls Egbert Ragsdale Ruth Shepherd Tyler Bailey Kildegard Carter Martha Turley Jack Katrina McCall Harry Sanders John Hines Erie Henrteh William Ung Ruth Mayne Robert Metcair Jerry Porter Violet Reich Julia Sraife Barnett' Sledge Harriet Rweeney William Walker Ro-slna Worthington Madeline Douglase OPENING TO SEASON ELIDED UIIEBIDIEST Through education and study the American Association of University Woman Is seeking to promote International understanding and world peace Dr Esther Csukln Bnutauer Ph declared last night on her arrival In Memphis The International relations tary of tho association will bo the gueet speaker at tonight's dinner of tho southeast central sectional conference of tho organisation at Hotel Peabody "We are associated with the International federation of associations which has similar organisations In many foreign countries Through exchange of ideas and an International study program wa an broadening ths scops of our national program" she said Giving children an International viewpoint Is ono of tho aims of the association she said that ws are trying to Instill pacifist ideas but to encourage tho thought that children are not only eltisens of one country but of tho entire world she Mid The A A Is non-polltksl and has no interest In ths prohibition question smiled Dr Brnnauer It Is one of tho It woman's organisation utoclattd with th national Commit-tee on tho Cause and Cura of War organised by Carrie Chapman Catt And she la proud of the fact that Dr Mary Woolley presides! of the A- A Is tho only woman member of tho disarmament confer- Motorized Show Displays to 2000 at Hodges Field Memphis Police Continue in Drive Narcotic Cleanup bowing tha many natural advantages offered Industries ia the Mississippi Valley a gigantic relief map of the Mississippi Valley coeUng $75000 will be on exhibit at the Chicago Fair In 1933 if plana for the fair officiate are completed Flat of tho Industrial division of ths Memphis Chamber of Commerce said yesterday that plana for ths map which will be about 50 feet square are progressing end thst Memphis probably will bo one of the sponsors idea of tha map la gaining popularity with a large number of cities In the Mississippi Valley" Mr Fant said "If the other cities agree to assist Memphis Is almost certain to sponsor it also bo map will cost about $75000 will show in relief the rail water and highway opportunities offered the Industries coming into ths he AAids win be a map of ths valley from ths lakes to tha gulf and Memphians should bo greatly interested in it because the map will show Just how centrally located Memphis Is Mr Fant said that the map will be a work of art showing la detail the river with running water the highways and tho railroads with moving trains Possibility of having air routes with planes on tha map are being considered' addition to tha map sound pictures are to be made A few minutes will be allotted to each city sponsoring the Idea White no definite plane havs bean made for Memphis believe that the film of Memphis will Include pictures of De-Soto's discovery of tho Mississippi the bluffs and tha advantages Memphis offers as ths th Work on this map will start In June and It will taka about a year to complete It Mr Font with a eomnnttee of Memphis business man are making plana to rates share of coat of the map which la about i NASHVILLE April Sl-Counael for the ICentucky-Tenneeees Light A Power Company cited before tha rdl-road and public utilities commission to show cauie why it should not ro-duca electric rates wlU spend probably several weeks examining the record of testimony before the hearing which waa recessed today is resumed The hearing was recessed at the conclusion of testimony by 7 Proutt consulting engineer for the commission and chairman of the board of the water com minion eri of Memphis Voluminous records were Introduced as exhibits to testimony of Proutt and Rains an auditor for the commission and the hearing was stopped in order to let Stout attorney for the power company examine ths records before cross-examining the witness Stout said it would probably require a month for him to examine the exhibits and transcript compilation of which probably will require similar time In the meantime the commission will hear tha Memphis Power A Light Company and the Tennessee Public Service Company which serves Knoxville on cause'' orders similar to that citing the XCen-tueky-Tennessee company The Memphis hearing Is scheduled for May 3 and the KnoxviUs matter for the coming Tuesday Proutt testified that Kentucky-Ten-neases power holdings In Tennessee were appraised as of Dec 1929 at approximately $2000000 but that the present reproduction coat of the physical properties probably would be between 15 and 25 per cent less thy In 1929 when materials and labor wen higher He aaid labor could be had now at about whatever you want to pay" while the coat of copper has dropped to loss than half what It was In 1929 Materials ether than copper Proutt continued have not been reduced as much but he said decreases were general Continued on Fogs Fourteen HITS SOLICITORS CDITTEDDED DDIDDClF'H HUES CDIDIS PISSED DEPDSITIIIS IE Bilim DIIISE Memphis Skipper to Sign Mate From Mexico Election Fight Will Be Taken to Circuit Court Br JACK LOCICKART Ths birds and ths beasts and the clowns were there amid tha span-ties and tha ropes and nearly 2000 Memphians attended last night's performance of Sam three-ring circus presented at Hodges Field Small boys drank soda pop and munched peanuts to their heart's content between cheers at tha gravity defying feats of tho aerlaltets while their aiders ut beneath the big top to remember the days of their childhood and thrill anew at tbs spectacle! before them From tha opening trained dog act to tha final pony riding contest the action was fast and furious and punctuated with tha staccato crocks of elephant whips shrill blasts from tha ringmaster's whltslo blares from ths band and a miscellany of other sounds that belong only to tho clr- CUAo A downtown circus parade yesterday began the fun which was continued through ths afternoon evening performances Rax the movie dog controlled by a simple gesture or word from hte master was the center of attraction for the kids Slides of death tlght-i acrobatics and skillful riding presented by the Aerial Goodwins the Connors Trio and tha Rid- nee She declined to discuso Internation-al npanttoni and tta tfftet on world peace aaylng frankly that aha waa not sufficiently acquainted with the problem "But I hope to ho next year for International debts will be ths subject of our study group SAM NUNNERY HERE Following their smashing of an inter-state drug ring Wednesday Capt Lea Boyles ana SsrgL Chatham of the police narcotic squad vesterday turned to local conditions end arrested XL Curt la 24 one of the operators of tho Curt Is-Kendall Drug Company Jackson on a charge of violating ths state narcotic law The cast Is expected to be adopted by the government today A total of 13 gallons of paregoric hare been purchased from Curtis for 2199 la the last few days by a federal narcotic agent Eighty dollaro in marked money is Aliened to hove been found on CuVtta at the time of hte arrest "When drug become scarce a federal agent said yesterday 'the addicts take paregoric to ease their nerves and overcoma their habit The ale of paregoric for other than medicinal use Is Illegal The quantity sold by Curtis Is sufficient to last a large hospital several years I Kirk and Loo Warten whom police arrested Wednesday tn possession of a total of $11000 worth of dope were arraigned before Commissioner Brenner yesterday and pleaded not guilty to charges of violation of ths Harrison Narcotic and ths Jonts-MIUer law Kirk was represented by Attorney Palmer and Warten by Charles Bryan Ths men wars sent to jail In default of $10000 temporary bond each pending a preliminary hearing Wednesday Mra Kirk and a negro who were also arrested Wednesday in conjunction with the operations of Kirk and Warten were released yesterday Mrs Kirk plans to return to her boms In Atlanta Interviewed in ths federal building "cage" yesterday by narcotic officers Kirk and Warten stuck to their story that they were merely addicts and not drug operators and told long tales of the grief and suffering that their addiction had cost them Income tax officers wan called In jmetarday to examine the records of Kirk who ta believed to have lost $100000 In the market crash of 1929 through Memphis brokerage offices LOS ANGELES April Capt Edward Miles Memphis who interrupted hia 'round-the-world cruise in a 32-foot boat here last January to go to Rena for a divorce haa found naw mats In MasaUan Mexico he has written friends here She Is Mies Ida Kirahbaum While he pilots the schooner Sturdy II alone down to Panama she will fly there to marry him Mile wrote Ha is on ths closing taps of his voyage which started at New York in and is to end there Hia bride-to-bs he said will not sail with him from Panama but will go to New York by mom conventional transportation and meet him there Mississippi Prison Guard Tells sf At-' tack be Benton Harbor Fully recovered from mcmI at FILE INSURANCE SUITS Net Interested ta Advertising or tala sf Sweepstakes Tickets Eleven new members were token into the local post of tha Veterans of Foreign Wars at thsir regular meeting last night at ths courthouse under Commander J-Mooney The meeting was an executive session concerned chiefly with routine business The new members are: Barton Woolfolk Lanier Smith Caldwell May William Duecker Sand-era Thomas Malcolm C-Rievas and Fred Herspberger The activities of unauthorised advertising solicitors and lottery ticket salesmen who are calling on Memphis firms and individuals as representatives of the poet were denounced by Commander Mooney aro not sponsoring tha sale of tickets for ths sweepstakes that are reported to be run in Mexico ta the near future for tha benefit of the disabled veterans and any such solicitor should be reported to the polks Neither aro we anUcHin advertising for any sendee msgasin or paper" Plana for the annual Poppy" sal on May wers discussed Campbell la chairman of the poppy ask and will be assisted by the Auxiliary in addition to members of th post Three popples ere made by disabled veterans and sold for th benefit cf disabled ex -service men all over the country Prospects for a large attendance at tha annual department cf Tennessee convention to he'd here June 28 through 28 were die-cuaacd by Eastman chairman cf the convention plana The Big Parade i 4 tack by highwayman Mississippi's traveling sergeant Sam Nunnery passed through Memphis last night In charge of an escaped negro oon-vfct Although Sergeant Nunnery declared himself sa "feeling fins again" he bora a number of scars from the attack which occurred ia Benton Harbor Mich hotel Ho was beaten and robbed of $1023 Sergeant Nunnery who declares hs has delivered more than 10000 con MARION Ark April Th OH ver controlled Crittenden County board of education refused today by a vote of three to two to hear de positions taken In ths contest In which Aldridge and Aubrey Koaer are fighting the election to the board March 1 of Cecil Oliver and KcElroy Chairman Rhodes of the board approved an appeal filed by attorneys for oKser and Aldridge and the ease will ha carried to circuit court which convenes hero in May for a decision from Judga Nall KUlough Th vote today waa: Against Mr Rhodes Gibbs and Mach-en For Downer and Johnson Cecil Oliver did not vote Aldridga and leaser claim that they should havs received more votes than they did at the Hulbcrt box lositkma have been taken from bert residents for the past several ks and thaaa will be presented to circuit court Aldridge and Koser arc members of the faction dominated by Sheriff Howard Curiln County Judge Arthur Oliver controls the group of which Cecil Oliver his brother and Mr Me-Elroy an members RE-ENTRY POSTPONED ing Crandalls Outside ths civic Group Delay Action Ox Propone! tn Rejoin Federation Derision on re-entering ths Council Three Actions Instituted ta 9 District Court Payment of a $10000 war risk ta-jsurancs policy was asked lq a suit I filed la federal court yesterday by ID Kinney individually and as I administrator of ths estate of Cory A Kinney deceased through hte attorneys Exby Mortality A Fierce Clayburn A Irving by next friend Delve Irving also asked payment of ia $10000 policy in a suit filed by Attorneys Abe Waldauer and Hugh 'N Clayton A civil suit against tha Massachusetts Mutual Ufa Insurance Company was filed yesterday by William Bowman through his attorneys A Calhoun and Matthews Wilson KyseT Armstrong A Allen are attorneys for tha lnauranca eom- Pny victed prison ere to Mississippi's losing a man admit- prisons without Every car on the road is a part of the big parade of used cars for every car is as soon as it leaves the show room Why not get in this parade yourself by getting one of the nearly new cars offered for sale in the Classified Section at a greatly reduced price of Civic Clubs was postponed last of the Longview night at th meeting I -'1 big tent the firo-eat-er swallowed flame wild animate roared and a galaxy of sideshow attractions demanded attention against a background of hot dogs hamburgers balloons flute whistles and whistling imitation canaries Loping elephants grotesque clowns marvelous trained dogs find ponies! gyrating monkeys and a score of oth-i er novel sights sent children home from Sam Dill' a circus last night with wide eyes Their parents mentally settled back sure now that summer ia upon us and wondered how hot It would get this year ted ho almost loot his Ufo as a result of tho attack "One of the attackers posed as a deputy sheriff and gained admission Into my room Soon a companion entered and suddenly both attacked me" Sergeant Nun Benr declared' The attack occurred on tho night of March while Sergeant Nunnery was returning an escaped convict to hte state Height-Hemsndo Terrace Clvio Club at the club house on Mallory Avenue A special meeting will be held at pm next Friday to poll a vote The club proposed to enter a passenger car In the floral parade of the Cotton Carnival Billing preaided Mra Lange and Mra Hackett served refreshment iLL I'-wr-w a roWkrorsriw VM-toman qj.

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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.